Playgroup & Kindergarten
GIS 3 Yogyakarta
About Us
Playgroup and Kindergarten Global Islamic School 3 Yogyakarta (PG-K GIS 3 Yogyakarta) is a form of preschool education that helps students to develop their physical and spiritual growth and development outside the family environment before entering elementary school.
Pre-school education aims to help lay the foundation for the development of attitudes, knowledge, skills, and creativity needed by students in adapting to the environment for further growth and development (Permendiknas No. 58 of 2009). Instilling the basics of piety to Allah SWT as early as possible and following the demands of the Qur'an and As-Sunnah by paying attention to the level of development of students.
To achieve educational goals in Playgroup and Kindergarten, we strive for an appropriate learning system by paying attention to aspects of student development, namely: language, auditory memory, auditory observation, visual memory, visual observation, fine motor skills, gross motor skills, thinking skills, and social-emotional.
We believe that the first 12 years of a student's life are the most important stage of life in their growth and development. We are very proud to be part of the journey of the nation's sons and daughters which is very beautiful and enjoyable by providing an educational forum that is in accordance with the universal values of Islam which are highly recommended in Islamic teachings to fulfill the needs of Islamic social and spiritual life.
We who are involved in PG-K GIS 3 Yogyakarta are educators who are dedicated to the education of early-age Muslim students and are always committed to creating the best environment for the development of students' potential both spiritually, emotionally, socially, and physically.
We realize this commitment both in the academic curriculum and our hidden curriculum in the school atmosphere and in the process of presenting student learning. With full openness, we always hope to be able to work together with parents to help the educational process for our sons and daughters. PG-K GIS 3 Yogyakarta believes that the basic life skill curriculum is a balance between the social life of students and the spiritual values of Islam. The PG-K GIS 3 Yogyakarta curriculum is a series of learning approaches that are in line with student learning outcomes in each subject, life skills, and morals that are by Islamic demands.
In curriculum development, PG-K GIS 3 Yogyakarta refers to the Curriculum of the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Islamic Curriculum developed by Global Islamic School 3 Yogyakarta. PG-K GIS 3 Yogyakarta is committed to implementing an early childhood education program with a student-centered learning model.
In addition, PG-K GIS 3 Yogyakarta is aware that every student is different (unique). Every student has different talents, abilities, and individual intelligence according to their potential, interests, and talents. In the learning process at PG-K GIS 3 Yogyakarta, we pay attention to and appreciate the multiple intelligences possessed by each student.
Every student is guided with love (marhamah) and every element of the school together creates a warm and pleasant atmosphere for learning. They are supported by various innovative activities and building creativity as an effort to optimize the growth and development of children's basic potential. PG-K GIS 3 Yogyakarta always strives to instill Islamic values in the form of role models, habituation of (toyyibah) sentences, praying in every activity, being polite in speech and actions, and living clean and tolerant towards others.
PG-K GIS 3 Yogyakarta applies strategies and various learning methods inside and outside the classroom. This is done to prepare students to be able to carry out individual activities, in small groups and in large groups. Students are also stimulated to develop curiosity, and concentration when playing with structured imagination, and socializing so that they are ready to enter Elementary School (SD).
In supporting our motto, "Learn to live better, striving for excellence," we are committed to helping students become caring and responsible individuals. We teach students to help each other and understand the needs of others so that they grow into empathetic and caring individuals. In addition, we encourage the courage to express opinions and ideas, so that every child feels valued and confident. With this holistic approach, we are confident that graduates of PG-K GIS 3 Yogyakarta will be ready to face future educational challenges with strong enthusiasm and character.