Welcoming Speech from Principal
Playgroup & Kindergarten GIS 3 Yogyakarta

Rara Agista Olivantina, M. Pd.

School Principal

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

It is a joy and honor for us to be an important part of your family at the beginning of your child's education. We welcome you and welcome you to Playgroup and Kindergarten Global Islamic School 3 Yogyakarta (PG-K GIS 3 Yogyakarta). Success in education will be realized, of course, supported by communication, enthusiasm, support, and involvement in ensuring the creation of a good learning environment and being able to present a fun learning experience for your children through learning activities while playing. PG-K GIS 3 Yogyakarta always strives to provide a fun learning experience in order to optimize the potential of students, so that in the future they can become students who are pious, intelligent, skilled, polite, have broad insight, integrity, and righteous, insyaAllah.

For that reason, understanding basic school information is very important as a means of information and also a guide for parents of students who have entrusted their children's early education at PG-K GIS 3 Yogyakarta, especially related to the programs planned and implemented by students and the regulations applied in the PG-K GIS 3 Yogyakarta environment. We hope that the information conveyed through this website can help smooth the educational process which in the end can support the achievement of educational goals according to the vision and mission and the values ​​of goodness instilled in each student.

The school is grateful for the positive input for the development of education in the future. Let's make the education of the nation's sons and daughters a success together with PG-K GIS 3 Yogyakarta.

Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.